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Photos 2022

We were able to begin face-to-face practices again in March, and then it felt like a Hurculean task to have a band for May long weekend and the Highland Games. And yet, we did it, with a number of new players hitting the field for the first time. There were other smaller events in the spring and summer, including an expanded Decoration Day ceremony, featuring full-band performance at the cemetary with the Grade 4 band, and solo pipers accompanying the sentries every 15 minutes from 12 to 6 p.m. at the Cenotaph in Victoria Park. In June, the band started transitioning leadership. After 30 years as pipe-major, Iain MacDonald passed the tuner to P-M Paul Laforge, and Paul began to run practices and plan for the future. Paul's first competition as P-M came in September when the band returned to the Calgary and Canmore Highland Games fo a great weekend of fun and music. The band returned to Remembrance Day ceremonies at the Brandt Centre this year, and also performed at the fundraiser for the Highland Games.