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Photos 2008

2008 was kind of an amazing year for the band. After a year off competing, when it looked like the band might not survive, we brought in a raft of new members recently graduated from junior bands in Regina, Estevan and Winnipeg, and former corps player, Ian Aastrom, stepped up to be L-D from Winnipeg. We had a lot of fun, and played a lot of terrible music, and just worked really hard to develop the people we had, including some "re-treads" who came back to bands after 20 years away (and who would go on to be long-term, stable members). The band did local contests, changed our shirt colour, and made a trip to the USA where we raised funds for the trip to Maxville. Going to Maxville was a stretch for the band, and for many of the players, it was the first time they played at a large contest outside the province. We have a recording of it, and every now and again it gets played as a humbling reminder of how far we had to come back. One of the cool outcomes of that year is that some members of that band used the experience, and that of subsequent years, to develop skills that would take them to Grade 1 bands.