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Prizes Won and Lost

2023 Contests
• Sask Highland Gathering, MSR: 1st - Rocky Mountain, 2nd- City of Regina, 3rd - Winnipeg Police
• Sask Highland Gathering, MEDLEY: 1st - Rocky Mountain, 2nd-City of Regina, 3rd-Winnipeg Police
• Calgary Highland Games: MSR: 1st - CRPB (1,1,1,1), 2nd - Rocky Mountain (2,2,2,2)
• Canmore Highland Games: MEDLEY: 1st - CRPB (2,2,1,1), 2nd - Rocky Mountain (1,1,2,2)

2022 Contests
• Sask Highland Gathering, MSR: 1st - North Stratton, 2nd-Rocky Mountain, 3rd- City of Regina
• Sask Highland Gathering, MEDLEY: 1st - Rocky Mountain, 2nd-North Stratton, 3rd-City of Regina
• Calgary Highland Games: MSR: 1st - Rocky Mountain , 2nd - CRPB 
• Canmore Highland Games: MEDLEY: 1st - Rocky Mountain, 2nd - CRPB 

2019 Contests
• Winnipeg Scottish Festival: 1st - Winnipeg Police, 2nd- City of Regina
• Sask Highland Gathering, Day 1: MSR: 1st - Winnipeg Police, 2nd-CRPB; MEDLEY: 1st - Winnipeg Police, 2nd-CRPB
• Sask Highland Gathering, Day 2: MEDLEY: 1st - Winnipeg Police, 2nd-CRPB
• Calgary Highland Games: MSR: 1st - North Stratton , 2nd - Rocky Mountain, 3rd -CRPB 
• Canmore Highland Games: MEDLEY: 1st - Rocky Mountain, 2nd - North Stratton, 3rd - CRPB 

2018 Contests
• Winnipeg Scottish Festival: Cancelled last minute: snowstorms, closed highway
• Sask Highland Gathering, Day 1: MSR: 1st - North Stratton, 2nd-Winnipeg Police, 3rd-CRPB; MEDLEY: 1st - North Stratton, 2nd-Winnipeg Police, 3rd-CRPB
• Sask Highland Gathering, Day 2: MEDLEY: 1st - North Stratton, 2nd-Winnipeg Police, 3rd-CRPB
• Chicago Highland Games: Overall - 1st - Rocky Mountain, 2nd - Great Lakes, 3rd - Midlothian , 4th - CRPB  (7 competed)

2017 Contests
• Winnipeg Scottish Festival: MSR: 1st - CRPB; MEDLEY 1st - CRPB
• Sask Highland Gathering, Day 1: MSR: 1st - CRPB; MEDLEY: 1st - CRPB  
• Sask Highland Gathering, Day 2: MEDLEY: 1st - CRPB
• Red Deer Highland Games: Medley - 1st - Rocky Mountain, 2nd - North Stratton, 3rd - CRPB 
• Ellerslie Highland Games: MSR - Medley - 1st - Rocky Mountain, 2nd - North Stratton, 3rd - CRPB
• Calgary Highland Games: MEDLEY: 1st - Rocky Mountain, 2nd - CRPB (Best Drums)
• Canmore Highland Games: MSR: 1st - CRPB (Best Drums, Best Bass), 2nd - Rocky Mountain 

2016 Contests
• Winnipeg Scottish Festival: MSR: 1st - CRPB; MEDLEY 1st - CRPB
• Brandon Scottish Festival: 1st - CRPB
• Sask Highland Gathering, Day 1: MSR: 1st -North Stratton, 2nd- CRPB; MEDLEY: 1st - North Stratton, 2nd-CRPB  
• Sask Highland Gathering, Day 2: MEDLEY: 1st - CRPB, 2nd-North Stratton, 3rd - Winnipeg Police (& Best Drums)
• Calgary Highland Games: MEDLEY: 1st - Rocky Mountain, 2nd - CRPB (Best Bass), 3rd - Robert Malcolm Memorial
• Canmore Highland Games: MSR: 1st - Robert Malcolm Memorial, 2nd - Rocky Mountain , 3rd - CRPB (Best Bass)

2015 Contests
• Winnipeg Scottish Festival: MSR: 1st - Rocky Mountain, 2nd -CRPB; MEDLEY 1st - CRPB, 2nd - Rocky Mountain
• Brandon Scottish Festival: 1st - CRPB
• Sask Highland Gathering, Day 1: MSR: 1st -CRPB, 2nd- Rocky Mountain; MEDLEY: 1st - Rocky Mountain, 2nd-CRPB  
• Sask Highland Gathering, Day 2: MEDLEY: 1st - Rocky Mountain, 2nd-CRPB
• Maxville: 1. Greater Midwest Pipe Band -2. New York Metro Pipe Band -3. The College of Piping Pipe Band - 4. City of Dunedin Pipe Band - 5. Viscount Park Pipe Band - 6. Prince Charles Pipe Band - 7. City of Regina Pipe Band - 8. Rocky Mountain Pipe Band - 9. Great Lakes Pipe Band - 10. Paris/Port Dover Pipe Band
• Montreal Highland Games: 1st - Viscount Park, 2nd - Prince Charles, 3rd - CRPB

2014 Contests
• Winnipeg Scottish Festival: 1st - CRPB; Best Drum Corps: CRPB
• Brandon Scottish Festival: 1st - CRPB
• Moose Jaw: 1st -CRPB  
• Regina HG: 1st - CRPB
• Fort Edmonton: 1st - Viscount Park Pipe Band, 2nd - CRPB (both days)
• Maxville: 4th prize
• Montreal Highland Games: 1st - CRPB

2013 Contests
• Winnipeg Scottish Festival: 1st - CRPB, 2nd-Winnipeg St. Andrews; Best Drum Corps: CRPB
• Brandon Scottish Festival: 1st - CRPB
• Moose Jaw: 1st -CRPB  
• Regina HG: 1st - CRPB
• Maxville: 5th prize
• Calgary Highland Games: 1st - Edmonton & District, 2nd - CRPB
• Canmore Highland Games: 1st - CRPB, 2nd - Edmonton & District

2012 Contests
• Winnipeg Scottish Festival: 1st - St Andrews, 2nd-CRPB
• Brandon Scottish Festival: 1st - St Andrews, 2nd-CRPB
• Moose Jaw: 1st -CRPB  
• Regina HG: 1st -CRPB  
• North Berwick, Scotland - no prize
• World Pipe Band Championships - no prize

2011 Contests
• Brandon Scottish Festival: 1st - St Andrews, 2nd-CRPB
• Moose Jaw: 1st -CRPB 
• Regina HG: 1st - CRPB, Best Drum Corps
• Riverwalk Highlnd Games, Winnipeg: 1st - St Andrews, 2nd-CRPB, Best Drum Corps: CRPB
• Maxville Highland Gathering, no prize, best placings: two 3rds in piping, medley
• Montreal Highland Games - 1st - New West Police, BC; 2nd - CRPB; 3rd - Fredericton Society of St. Andrews

2010 Contests
• Winnipeg Scottish Festival: 1st - St Andrews, 2nd-CRPB; Best Drum Corps: CRPB
• Brandon Scottish Festival: 1st - St Andrews, 2nd-CRPB
• Moose Jaw: 1st -CRPB , 2nd-Rocky Mtn [both events]
• Regina HG: 1st - Rocky Mtn, 2nd-CRPB [MSR]
• Regina HG: 1st - CRPB, 2nd-Rocky Mtn [medley] ; Best Drum Corps: CRPB
• North Berwick, Scotland - no prize
• Bridge of Allen, Scotland, no prize
• World Pipe Band Championships - no prize
• Perth Highland Games - 1st in Grade 2, Provost's Cup for Best Band on Parade.

2009 Contests
• Winnipeg Scottish Festival: 1st - St Andrews, 2nd-CRPB
• Brandon Scottish Festival: 1st - St Andrews, 2nd-CRPB
• Moose Jaw: 1st - Rocky Mtn, 2nd-CRPB [both events]
• Regina HG: 1st - CRPB, 2nd-Rocky Mtn [MSR]
• Regina HG: 1st - Rocky Mtn, 2nd-CRPB [medley]
• Manitoba HG: 1st - St Andrews, 2nd-CRPB [both events]
• Glengarry HG, Maxville: 8th/9 in Grade 2
• Montreal HG: 1st-Fredericton, 2nd-CRPB [Best Pipe Section], 3rd-St Andrews [7 bands]
• Calgary HG: 1st - Rocky Mtn, 2nd-CRPB [MSR]
• Canmore HG: 1st - CRPB, 2nd-Rocky Mtn [Medley]

2008 Contests
• Winnipeg Scottish Festival: 1st - St Andrews, 2nd-CRPB
• Brandon Scottish Festival: 1st - St Andrews, 2nd-CRPB
• Moose Jaw: 1st - CRPB
• Regina HG: 1st - CRPB
• Glengarry HG, Maxville: last in Grade 2
• Montreal HG: 6/7 in Grade 2

2007 Contests
The band lost most of the drum corps and some pipers after 2006, and 2007 was a rebuilding year. The band did not compete at all, but did a number of performances locally.

2006 Contests
• Moose Jaw: 1st - CRPB, 2nd- Wpg St Andrews, 3rd -Edmonton
• Regina HG: 1st - CRPB, 2nd -Edmonton, 3rd-Wpg St Andrews
• North Berwick, Scotland: 4th prize
• Bridge of Allan, Scotland: 12th?
• World Championships: did not qualify for final
• Perth, Scotland: 3rd/6 in Grade 2

2005 Contests
• Brandon: 1st - CRPB, 2nd- Wpg St Andrews
• Moose Jaw: 1st - CRPB, 2nd- Wpg St Andrews
• Regina HG: 1st - CRPB
• Red Deer, AB: 1st City of Regina, 2nd-Edmonton & District
• Ellerslie, AB: 1st- Edmonton, 2nd-CRPB
• North Berwick, Scotland: 3rd prize
• Bridge of Allan, Scotland: 5th in piping, last in drumming (14 bands)
• World Championships: 28th/31
• Perth, Scotland: 3rd/6 in Grade 2
• Calgary, AB: 1st -CRPB, 2nd-Edmonton
• Canmore, AB: 1st -CRPB, 2nd-Edmonton

2004 Contests

Winnipeg Scottish Festival

February 22

Band plays brand new medley and new MSR. Lots of new players, new L/D...much better in medley than MSR, but overall a promising start.

Brandon Highland Festival

Brandon, MB

April 24

Band plays both MSR and medley. Played a very nice MSR, and a pretty good medley. Still working out harmonies, and tried a new break reels-air today. Better tone than Maxville 2003, with lots of room to improve.

Moose Jaw Highland Festival

May 22

Band plays medley and MSR. Playing up from Grade 3 is a very nice band: Durham Regional Police from Ontario. Durham wins drumming and ensemble (huh?) and takes the medley event, we win MSR and overall.

Regina Highland Games

May 23

Band plays two very good sets, and cleanly wins both events. Soloists from the band do well in Grade 1 events, and our junior band also wind Saskatchewan Championship in their grade.

Red Deer Highland Games

Red Deer, AB

June 25

Band plays well, wins Grade 2. Soloists do well, winning events in Open and Grade 1.

Ellerslie Highland Games

Ellerslie, AB

June 26

Band plays OK. Made several honkers marching into to MSR. 2nd place.

Calgary Highland Games

Calgary, AB

Sept. 4

Band wins MSR, and in a judging free-for-all gets 6/9 firsts in piping, Edmonton wins drumming, and the single ensemble judge calls it. Edmonton wins medley.

Canmore Highland Games

Canmore, AB

Sept. 5

Band wins Grade 2 event, and plays up into an otherwise empty Grade 1 class for the adjudication.


2003 Contests

Winnipeg Scottish Festival

February 15

Band plays medley and MSR. Lots of new players, new L/D...pretty rough. Only Grade 2 band in contest.

Brandon Highland Festival

Brandon, MB

April 26

Band plays both MSR and medley. Getting better, but too many rookie tone & note errors. Only Grade 2 band in contest.

Moose Jaw Highland Festival

May 17

Band plays medley and MSR. Mix up at line re: which set (medley or MSR) due to contest mixing sheets around. Pretty good set with some horrendous tonal issues. Lose to Big Rock Pipe Band (Edmonton) in both events.

Regina Highland Games

May 18

Better on day two. Win both events, but not cleanly. Big Rock provides excellent competition.

Glengarry Highland Games

Maxville, ON

August 2

The North American Pipe Band Championships. Tone and performance level not there. Finish 12/13 in Grade. Ouch.

Montreal Highland Games

August 3

The North American Pipe Band Championships. Tone and performance level not there. Had a good sound coming up to the line (as noted on sheets) but not blown...big work to do. 3rd place.


2000 - 01 Contests

Winnipeg Scottish Festival

February 16/17, 2001

Indoor band contest - The CRPB was the only Grade 2 band at the Games, and put on two good performances, and a 30-minute concert at the evening ceilidh.

Moose Jaw Highland Festival

May 19

The CRPB was the only Grade 2 band at the Games, and put on two good performances.

Regina Highland Games

May 20

The CRPB was the only Grade 2 band at the Games, and put on one good performance, and one "flawed" one!

Skagit Valley Highland Games

Mount Vernon, WA

July 13, 14, 15

The CRPB will once again be the Guest Band for the Games. We will play a concert in Mount Vernon's historic vaudeville theatre on Friday night, then compete and perform on Saturday and Sunday.

North American Pipe Band Championships

Maxville, ON

August 4

The CRPB had an excellent play in the medley, and a mediocre MSR. The overall result was 8th or 9th...very disappointing, and a large dose of reality therapy.

Montreal Highland Games

August 5

After spending the night sleeping on the band bus (our Montreal hotel rooms were given away) we played a very good medley, with room to improve. Given the circumstances, it was a good performance. Now, back to the drawing board...

Calgary Highland Games

September 1

CRPB wins Grade 2, with Big Rock's Grade 3 band challenging up, and playing well. CRPB also snags the "Dress & Deportment" award!

Canmore Highland Games

September 2

The band plays a very good medley, and sweeps straight firsts against bands playing up. The CRPB also winds the "Marching & Discipline" prize, for the second day running! Later the band performed to a wildly enthusiastic beer tent crowd.


2000 Contest Season

Winnipeg Scottish Festival


1st prize, Best Drum Corps, and the band also put on part of it's concert performance at the evening ceilidh.

Moose Jaw Highland Festival

May 20

Two very good performances. Only band in Grade 2. 1st, and Best Drum Corps of the day.

Regina Highland Games

May 21

Two very good performances. Saskatchewan Pipe Band Champions.

Red Deer Highland Games

Red Deer, AB

June 24

Two good performances in horrible weather conditions. Only band in Grade 2. 1st. Also competed in Grade 1 against Alberta Caledonia, 2nd.

Ellerslie Highland Games

Edmonton, AB

June 25

Two good performances in changeable weather conditions. Competed in Grade 1 against Alberta Caledonia, 2nd.

Pacific Northwest Highland Games

Enumclaw, WA

July 29 & 30

Two good performances, 3rd place both days. 1) Maple Ridge Pipe Band, 2) Robert Malcolm Memorial Pipe Band, 3) CRPB.The CRPB performed at the Saturday night concert with 1999 World Champions SFU (Grade 1) and Robert Malcolm Memorial (Juvenile).

Saskatoon Highland Games

Delta-Bessborough Hotel, Saskatoon

August 27

The CRPB will be judging solo events in the morning, and performing several concert sets onstage in the afternoon between 1:30 and 5:00 p.m.

Calgary Highland Games

September 2

2nd place. 1) Robert Malcolm Memorial Pipe Band,

2) CRPB. (Split piping, RMM wins drumming & ensemble.)

Canmore Highland Games

September 3

2nd place. 1) Robert Malcolm Memorial Pipe Band,

2) CRPB. (Split piping, CRPB wins drumming & RMM wins ensemble.)


1999 Contest Season

Vancouver Indoor Gathering April 3 4th (1st-Alameda County Sheriff's, 2nd-RMM, 3rd-Maple Ridge; Drum Corps-RMM)
Moose Jaw Highland Games May 22 1st
Regina Highland Games May 23 1st - Named Saskatchewan Champions
Skagit Valley Highland Games, Mount Vernon, WA July 9/11 2nd prize, Best Drum Corps (1st-Robert Malcolm Memorial, 2nd-City of Regina, 3rd-Maple Ridge)
Glengarry Highland Games, Maxville, Ontario July 31 6th prize (14 bands) (1st-City of Washington, 2nd-Niagara Regional Police, 3rd-Canadian Forces Composite, 4th-Fredericton, 5th-North Coast, 6th-City of Regina)
Montreal Highland Games August 1 5th prize (11 bands) (1st-Niagara Regional Police, 2nd-City of Washington, 3rd-Canadian Forces Composite, 4th-Fredericton, 5th-City of Regina, 6th-City of Dunedin
Calgary Highland Games September 4 2nd prize (1st-Robert Malcolm Memorial, 2nd-City of Regina, 3rd-Stirling Pipe Band)
Canmore Highland Games September 5 2nd prize (1st-Robert Malcolm Memorial 2nd-City of Regina {ensemble preference}, 3rd-Stirling Pipe Band)


1998 Contest Schedule

  • Vancouver Indoor Gathering - April 11- 2nd - Best Drum Corps, Best Bass
  • (1st-Maple Ridge "A", 2nd-City of Regina, 3rd-Maple Ridge "B")
  • Moose Jaw Highland Festival - May 16 - 1st - Best Drum Corps
  • (1st-City of Regina, 2nd-Victoria Park)
  • Regina Highland Games - May 17- 1st - Best Drum Corps, Best Bass
  • (1st-City of Regina, 2nd-Victoria Park)
  • Named Saskatchewan Pipe Band Champions
  • Red Deer Highland Games - June 27 - 1st
  • Ellerslie Highland Games - June 28 - 2nd
  • (1st-Big Rock, 2nd-City of Regina-ouch!)
  • Glengarry Highland Games: North American Championship - August 1 - 5th
  • (1st-Dofasco, 2nd-City of Washington, 3rd-Niagara Police, 4th-Cdn. Forces Composite, 5th-City of Regina)
  • Montreal Highland Games - August 2 - 5th
  • (1st-City of Washington, 2nd-Cdn. Forces, 3rd-Dofasco, 4th-Maple Ridge, 5th-City of Regina)
  • Calgary Highland Games - September 5 - 2nd
  • (1st-Stirling Pipe Band, 2nd-City of Regina, 3rd-Victoria Park) (won piping/lost drumming)
  • Canmore Highland Games - September 6 - 1st
  • (1st-City of Regina, 2nd-Stirling, 3rd-Victoria Park) (won piping/drumming & ensemble)
  • Named Alberta Grade 2 Pipe Band Champions

1997 Schedule and Results

  • Vancouver Indoor Gathering - March 29 - 2nd
  • (1st-SFU II, 2nd-City of Regina, 3rd-Metro Toronto)
  • Brandon Indoor Contest - April 26 - 3rd
  • (1st-Stirling, 2nd-Stirling, 3rd-City of Regina)
  • Moose Jaw Highland Festival - May 17- 1st MSR/1st Medley/Best Drum Corps
  • (1st - City of Regina, 2nd-Stirling)
  • Regina Highland Games - May 18 - 1st MSR/1st Medley/Best Drum Corps
  • (1st-City of Regina, 2nd-Stirling, 3rd-Victoria Park)
  • Named Saskatchewan Pipe Band Champions
  • Red Deer Highland Games (2 days) - June 28 & 29 - 1st Medley/1st MSR/Best Drum Corps
  • (1st-City of Regina, 2nd-Victoria Park)
  • Glengarry Highland Games: North American Championship - August 2 3rd Overall/Best Bass Section
  • (1st-Dofasco Pipes & Drums, 2nd-Metro Toronto Police, 3rd-City of Regina, 4th-City of Manchester{Mass.}, 5th-Fredericton, 6th-Schenectady)
  • Ranking: piping-3rd, drumming-5th, ensemble-2nd)
  • Montreal Highland Games - August 3- 3rd tie (lost by ensemble preference)
  • Ranking: piping - tied 1st, drumming - 3rd, ensemble - 6th.
  • (1st-Dofasco, 2nd-City of Manchester, 3rd-Oran Mor/City of Regina)
  • Calgary Highland Games - August 30 - 1st/Best Drum Corps
  • (1st-City of Regina, 2nd-St. Andrew's Society, Winnipeg, 3rd-Prince George Legion)
  • Also competed in Grade 1 - placed 2nd in both events to Alberta Caledonian Pipe Band
  • Canmore Highland Games - August 31 - 1st
  • (1st-City of Regina, 2nd-St. Andrew's Society, Winnipeg, 3rd-Prince George Legion)
  • Also competed in Grade 1 MSR - tied first in piping (one first, one second ranking), and was 2nd in drumming and ensemble.

1996 Results

  • Regina Indoor Gathering - 1st
  • Moose Jaw Highland Festival - 1st
  • Regina Highland Festival - 1st (declared Saskatchewan Champions)
  • Red Deer Highland Games - 1st
  • Ellerslie Highland Games - 1st
  • Maxville Highland Games: North American Championship - 5th
  • Montreal Highland Games - 3rd
  • Calgary Highland Games - 1st
  • Canmore Highland Games - 1st (declared AlbertaChampions)



  • Regina Indoor - 1st
  • Brandon Indoor - 2nd
  • Moose Jaw Highland Festival - 1st
  • Saskatoon Highland Festival - 1st (declared Saskatchewan Champions)
  • Red Deer Highland Games - 1st
  • Ellerslie Highland Games - 1st
  • Canmore Highland Games - 2nd (1st piping)



  • Brandon - 2nd
  • Moose Jaw Indoor - 1st
  • Moose Jaw Kinsmen - 1st
  • Saskatoon Highland Festival - 1st (declared Saskatchewan Champions)
  • Selkirk - 2nd
  • Canmore - 2nd
  • Canmore, Grade 1 - 1st (competed for marks only in Grade 1 medley event. Achieved a higher score than the winning band.)



  • Brandon - 1st
  • Moose Jaw Kinsmen - 1st
  • Saskatoon Highland Festival - 1st (declared Saskatchewan Champions)
  • Selkirk - 2nd