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Photos 2007-13

Following our 2nd trip to Scotland in 2006, there was a natural turn-over of players as people moved on, took a break, etc., and in 2007 the band was not able to compete because we did not have a full drum corps, or a lead-drummer. A lot of energy was expended in 2007 trying to find a L-D, and although we didn't compete, we continued to perform locally, travel to the northern US, and develop new players for the band. From a "near death experience" in 2007, the band returned to Maxville/Montreal in 2008 & 2009, and then Scotland in 2010. Lead Drummer Ian Aastrom built a drum corps out of junior players and new recruits, and then Roland Reid's teaching and direction was instrumental through the 2011, 12 and 13 seasons, as he steadily improved the corps and the band. At the end of the 2013 season, Roland passed on the leadership to Willie Currams, who would be the band's first Regina-based L-D since 2005.


Pipe-Major: Iain MacDonald

Pipe-Sergeant: Barbara MacDonald

Lead Drummer: None! [2007]; Ian Aastrom [2008-10]; Blair 'Buz' Brown [2011]; Roland Reid [2012, 2013]

 Photos 2007

Photos 2008 

Photos 2009

Photos 2010 

Scotland 2010

Photos 2011

Regina Highland Games 2011

Mid-Winter Celtic Festival 2011

Maxville/Montreal 2011

Photos 2012

Scotland 2012

Mid-Winter Celtic Festival 2013

St. Patrick's Day 2013

Maxville 2013

Sir Paul McCartney Concert