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"One Scottish Evening" CD

The City of Regina Pipe Band has re-released a limited number of the sold-out 2002 CD "One Scottish Evening."

Read the review.

$20 Canada, $22 USA and $25 World. Price includes postage.

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CRPB Ball Cap

Keep the sun off and the "cool" on with a CRPB ball cap! Stylish white cotton with adjustable sizing. Show your support!

$20 plus shipping

Number of ball caps

Along the Road - A Collection if Music for the Highland Bagpipe

This collection of music was launched at the 2008 "Piping Live!" festival in Glasgow, and is on sale at piping stores across North America and Scotland. The book has 79 tunes, including three new piobaireachds, a great setting of an older one, and many tunes from the late Pipe-Major Donald MacLeod, M.B.E.

$25 plus shipping

Number of copies

CRPB Logo T-shirt

Get one of the classic black t-shirts with CRPB logo. Better yet, get seven of them, and have one for every day!

$20 plus shipping

Shirt Size


One Tone Over the Line

Composer/arranger Gord Taylor presents this collection of original music. Lots of fantastic band material for concerts and competition, and a wide range of technical levels and musical styles. You can hear some of these tunes and arrangements at Gord's web site and Gord has other books available.

$28 plus shipping

Number of copies

My New Neighbour - CD

Regina's Free Range multicultural band has released this CD, which celebrates the multicultural nature of Regina. The performers are:

• Nadeem Naz - tabla, grove dubi, tambourine, shaker, gungroo dancing bells
• Carter Powley - tenor saxaphone, clarinet [tracks 5, 6, 7, 8]
• Desmond Mcallister - steel drum [track 5]
• Iain MacDonald - Scottish reelpipes, Scottish smallpipes [tracks 2, 4, 8]
• Jack Dublanica – banjo, violin [tracks 2, 5, 6, 9]
• Jack Semple – guitar [track 3]
• Kris Maddigan - drum kit [tracks 2, 5, 6, 8]
• Rajvee Mann – merdungum [tracks 1, 11]
• Shane Landry – saxaphone [track 7]

Free Range Web Site

$20 plus shipping

Number of copies

Iron Brew CD

The band Iron Brew's CD, featuring Highland pipes, uilleann pipes, and smallpipes, with a combination of traditional tunes and original compositions and adaptations.

$15.00 CDN

[plus shipping]

Number of copies